I'm Aaron Hutton. I live in Lincolnshire, write software and play cards.

At the age of 12, I discovered programming and have been passionately pursuing it ever since. My experience spans from crafting high availability, low latency websites to coding in assembly language on a Raspberry Pi. Additionally, I have developed simulation software for the ExoMars Rover program and served as a software developer for one of the leading providers of NHS software.

I attended Cambridge University from 2016 to 2019 and read Computer Science with Maths. My group project involved developing a system for enabling high-efficiency convoys for automated vehicles and my dissertation developed a version of the Wayback Machine on a micro-kernel.

Today, I develop agri-tech robots as part of Robotic Systems Ltd and run Hutton Software Consulting Ltd.

Outside of software development, the hobby I spend the most time on is bridge. Since learning at 14 I have represented England at junior level on various occasions including the 2022 Junior European Team Championships in Veldhoven, the Netherlands. The game combines logic, communication and calculated risks like no other and good partnerships need to put in time and effort to excel. It has a sharp learning curve, but is well worth it for those willing to put the time into it.

Beyond that I also play and spectate chess, primarily bullet (1750 peak chess.com) and other e-sports. I'm often tinkering with SBCs like the RPi, Rock or NVIDIA Jetson Nano for local projects like an ANPR system or to perform home automation with HomeAssistant.

If you'd like to get in touch for business or just to have a chat, send me an email or message me on LinkedIn.